Tip: View Previous Reports & Refresh Reports in Management Reporter

Learn how to view reports from a previous month in the web viewer and how to refresh reports in Management Reporter for Microsoft Dynamics GP and Dynamics NAV.

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    Management Reporter for Microsoft Dynamics is a real-time financial reporting application that allows you to quickly and easily construct, secure, analyze, and publish financial statements. This tool extends far beyond typical general ledger account reporting and can be used for operational type reporting as well. Get rapid results without depending on IT help, build custom reports, increase productivity with familiar tools, break down organizational barriers to enhance data collaboration and sharing, and secure your financial data all with Management Reporter.

    Viewing reports for a previous month in the Microsoft Dynamics Management Reporter Web Viewer

    When reviewing a report in the web viewer, there may be times when you need to view last month’s report as well and flipping from screen to screen can get tedious. Options to view previous reports have now been added to the show menu. You can quickly and easily get through any past report that has been generated to view any two reports side-by-side.

    Refresh reports in the web viewer in Microsoft Dynamics Management Reporter

    Field Service Role Based GuideField Service Role Based Guide

    Many times when you are viewing a financial report, it is important to make sure that you are viewing the report with the most updated information especial at month end close. With Microsoft Dynamics Management Reporter, you now have the option to refresh the report in the web viewer without having to go back into the report designer.   If you need to go back and see what the original numbers were, you can simply hit the ‘Back’ button. With this option, you can save time while making sure that you always have the most up-to-the-minute information to make more confident and informed decisions.

    For an overview of Management Reporter, view our webinar ondemand.

    For a deeper dive into Management Reporter, view our Advanced Management Reporter webinar ondemand

    The Right Microsoft Partner Can Drive Business SuccessThe Right Microsoft Partner Can Drive Business Success