Dynamics 365 Business Central Tips and Tricks
Here are tips and tricks to take advantage of if you’re new to Dynamics 365 Business Central or an experienced user who needs a refresher.
Here are tips and tricks to take advantage of if you’re new to Dynamics 365 Business Central or an experienced user who needs a refresher.
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If you’re new to Dynamics 365 Business Central or an experienced user who wants a refresh on the available tricks you can take advantage of, be sure to check out the Aspire 22* presentation by Diana Harvey, a Velosio Pre-Sales Solution Architect.
Here’s a quick rundown of some of the key tips Diana provides:
Within the Business Central Role Center home page, you can customize user profiles according to the role of each person so that when they log in, they see only the information that pertains to their role. This helps them work more efficiently since they don’t have to sort through information that is processed by other people.
Users can also create bookmarks to personalize their home page so they can quickly access the functions they use regularly. Within Role Center, Diana demonstrates how to search for data across Business Central. For example, you can search journals for specific terms.
Role Center also provides a dashboard of your Outlook email activity. So right within Business Central, you can see failed emails, draft emails, and other email activity in the last 30 days—without switching over to Outlook.
In addition to Outlook, Business Central provides easy access to all Office applications, including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Teams. You can also access the Office admin function if you have admin rights.
The integration with Office lets you copy links to Business Central records and reports and paste them into Outlook emails—where authorized users can click on the link to quickly access the information. You can also push Business Central data and records to Excel in cases where you want to manipulate the data a certain way and present the information differently compared to how it appears in Business Central.
Dimensions, which lets you create values to categorize entries so you can track and analyze them, is another handy Business Central feature. What each user can do is controlled by the permissions they have been assigned by the system administrator.
Diana shows how it’s easy to add new Dimension values and make changes to existing values. Plus, Business Central creates audit trails so you can review who has made a change and when. You can also compare new values to old values. When analyzing Dimensions with the most recent release of Business Central, you now have more options on how you can filter the values.
Diana spends most of the presentation reviewing the many ways you can leverage the General Ledger in Business Central. For example, she presents how to set up deferral postings to and from accounts and how to set up posting ranges for transaction types.
With the extended views for preview posting that Business Central offers, you can quickly identify the source of any issues in a journal entry. Diana also demonstrates how to prevent accidental document deletions.
For recurring journal reversal calculations, you can specify the date when reversals take place. You can also use the FloatRates service to automate currency rate integration as FloatRates enables a daily import that syncs to current exchange rates.
The banking module in Dynamics 365 is another key area Diana explores. She explains how to set up direct debit claims to pull information from customer ACH files and how to create a payment reconciliation journal that pulls from credit card files, banking files, and other customer payment files.
You can also learn how to email and resend remittance advice from payment journals and vendor ledger entries, how to create payments from vendor ledger entries, and how to post customer receipts for paid invoices.
Much of the value of Business Central comes from how it allows you to interact efficiently with your customers and vendors—a feature they appreciate as much as you do.
To facilitate these interactions, Diana presents several how-to overviews:
• Canceling finance charge reminders
• Creating default ship-to codes for each customer
• Setting quote expiration dates
• Tracking packages after posting and updating shipment information
• Consolidating customer and vendor balances
• Bringing recurring lines into the system
• Selecting multiple items at once to search or filter for information
Diana also shows how to track non-inventory and service items provided to customers and how to post them to revenue and expense accounts.
To learn more about Dynamics 365 Business Central, check out Diana’s full presentation. She provides you with screenshot views and explanations of how to leverage all of her tips. And if you need assistance with deploying or setting up Dynamics 365 Business Central to help your accounting teams work more efficiently, contact Velosio today. We’re glad to assist!
*Aspire 22, the annual Velosio conference, brought together Dynamics users, finance and business leaders, and IT professionals from across the country. The one-day online event showcased the business possibilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions powered by today’s modern technologies.