CRM is More Than Technology – It’s People and Process Too!

Successful CRM involves 3 elements: people, processes, AND technology. Address each of these elements quickly through Socius Rapid Implementation offerings.

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    The number one reason that many CRM implementations founder is because when they begin, they are focusing solely on the software itself. Two of the three main components of CRM operations are the People and the Process involved along with the technology.

    The People

    CRM, or any major business process, absolutely cannot be successful unless it is accepted by everyone involved within the organization. Without full acceptance and continuous use of CRM from the end-users, it will not transform your business the way you need it to. A ‘cultural shift’ is required for successful CRM, employees need to fully commit to the process. If not everyone uses they system correctly, it ends up becoming just an expensive electronic address book. It is also imperative that management is supportive and accepting as well to motivate other employees who will be using the system.

    The Process

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    The process part of the CRM equation can begin once every person is ready. There are many questions that must be answered as you start the journey in evaluating and improving your current processes. What information do you need to include? How will you interpret and analyze your data? What criteria will you establish when actions need to take place? How will you incorporate CRM into your business? After strategic goals are understood and set in place, you are in a position to begin the CRM process.

    Getting to the Bottom Line

    All this being said, technology is still a critical piece to CRM, just not without the right people and processes supporting it. Just because you need to address all three of these items to ensure a successful CRM deployment does NOT mean that your CRM implementation has to be a lengthy or expensive endeavor.  With Socius’ Rapid Implementation packages for Sage CRM and Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you can ensure that the technology is aligned with your organizational needs, that the right people receive the appropriate levels of training that they need to adopt and use the solution to the benefit of your organization, and that the solution aligns with and enhances your business processes all with an affordable cost that you’ll know up-front.

    The Socius Rapid Implementation packages allow you to pick the amount and level of training, technical development and process enhancement you need in order to make your CRM solution a success.

    Learn more about the Sage CRM Rapid Implementation Options.

    Learn more about the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Rapid Implementation Options.

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