Planning Your Greenhouse Spaces with Dynamics NAV

Allocating, organizing, & planning out space in Greenhouses is a difficult & time consuming challenge for Greenhouse Grower industries but what if it wasn't?

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    Allocating, organizing, and planning out space in Greenhouses is often a difficult and time consuming challenge for Greenhouse Grower industries. Keeping track of what product is where, and in what state, can be difficult enough, but when trying to plan for the future it can become a tangle of data, and a real headache for users. However, there is a better way. Microsoft Dynamics NAV with Agriware features powerful Space Planning tools, allowing users to easily organize their greenhouse spaces not only in the present, but to plan for the future.

    Greenhouse Planning can be found in the “Greenhouse Overview” role center. In this role center users can build entries for each different greenhouse site or warehouse, and map out what products and jobs are where. Users can sort by a number of definable fields such as genus or job phase, which are color coded for easy viewability. Users can see what products are stored in what areas, and are able to recategorize products easily via a simple drag-and-drop method. Jobs and products can also be split, moving some to another area and keeping some where they are.

    In addition to seeing the current state of their greenhouses users can also forecast their space needs in to the future. Thanks to Dynamics powerful forecasting tools the expected needs can be projected allowing for maximum efficiency. Greenhouse Overview also features the deep, drill-in ability that is standard in Dynamics NAV, allowing users to dive deeper in to the data in the system. There are also easy to find Fact Boxes which show details of products and jobs directly from the overview page.


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