Get your Free RFP Builder for ERP Today!

No longer do you have to create your own Request for Proposal (RFP) from scratch. With our free RFP you can speed up the process and get to what really matters in your organization.

Table of Content

    Getting Started with RFP

    Creating a Request For Proposal from scratch can be challenging and time-consuming. That’s why we’ve collected the most important business and technical questions any company should ask when researching ERP software vendors.


    • Vendor Profile Questionnaire
    • ERP Feature List
    • Technical Questionnaire
    • Licensing and Pricing Questionnaire
    • And more

    Download your free RFP builder today!

    What is an RFP builder?

    This is a sample request for proposal (RFP) builder that you can download, modify, and compile according to your needs. It’s an evaluation of ERP capabilities and features.

    How to use an RFP?

    As you get your RFP responses back, you can leave them as is, or resubmit a new RFP to reflect their feedback. Once you receive all the proposals, you can move on to the negotiation phase, or continue narrowing down your potential vendors with more detailed questions.

    Who does an RFP help?

    Whether it’s your first time launching a ERP project or you’re replatforming, this ERP RFP builder will be helpful for both in-house teams, as well as for consultants/agencies researching different vendors on their client’s behalf.